💐 内面の美しさを育む "Activating your Inner Beauty"
"Activating your Inner Beauty"
💐 内面の美しさを育む
With only a little time left in 2024, why not take the opportunity to reflect on yourself deeper for the coming year 2025?
Join us to learn the secrets of inner radiance from speakers including makeup artists and lift-up massage therapist and enjoy workshops that activate the true beauty within.
◎ 日時: 2024年12月7日(土)5:30pm-7pm
Date/Time Saturday 7 December 2024 5:30pm-7pm
◎ 会場 Venue:Brahma Kumaris France 74 Rue Orfila, 75020 Paris
(Metro 地下鉄Gambetta駅より徒歩4分)
◎ スピーカー Speakers:
- Mayuko Shirouzu (東京でメークアップアーティストとして活躍、現在マルタ、ポルトガル、イギリス、フランスでフェイシャル・リフトアップ・セラピストとして活動中)
(Working as a makeup artist in Tokyo, currently working as a facial lift up therapist in Malta, Portugal, the UK and France)
- Michiko Shirouzu (和歌山太地町在住、元鯨博物館スタッフ。長年環境問題に関心を寄せ市民活動に携わる。現在オーガニック野菜作りを開始)
(Living in Taiji, Wakayama, former staff member at the Whale Museum. Has been interested in environmental issues for many years and is involved in community activities. Currently starting to grow organic vegetables)
- Ikuyo Miyamura (英国のボーディングスクール等での日本語教師、ライフワークとして、在欧日本コミュニティのBKイベントコーディネート等に従事)
(Teacher of Japanese at a British boarding school in the UK, life's work includes coordinating BK events for the Japanese community in Europe)
◎ 言語:英語(フランス語通訳付き・資料に日本語有)
Language: English (with French translation/ Japanese translation will be included in the resources)
◎ 参加費無料・予約不要 Admission free, No booking required
◎ 日本語連絡先:growingikuyo@gmail.com (contact in Japanese)
会場フランス語連絡先:+33 1 43 58 44 27 (phone number of the venue)
会場ウエブサイト brahmakumarisfrance.fr (website of the venue)
※ こちらは、ポルトガル・リズボンで11/24に行われたイベントの🇫🇷フランス版です!
※This is the French version of the event held on November 24th in Lisbon, Portugal!